Digital Pathology Image Viewer
ObjectiveView provides local access and viewing of your digital pathology images. In use in over 30 countries world-wide, ObjectiveView has become one of the most popular image viewers, and is the ONLY vendor-neutral native application available for viewing digital pathology images on both Windows and MacOS,

Supports all major digital pathology image formats
Available for WIN 64bit or Mac OS X
View locally or connect to MyObjective Image Manager
Supports connection to Aperio Spectrum image server
Annotation and measurement tools
Display multiple images
Capture snapshots or export to .jpg/.tif
Supported Formats
MyObjective is vendor-neutral and supports all of the major digital pathology image formats. Contact us to discuss adding support to any additional formats.
Note: Support for 3DHistech .mrxs files requires the SlideAC SDK available from 3DHistech and supported on Windows systems only.